Welcome to Theology II

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Welcome to this class!

Course Introduction (3:34 minutes)

In this course, we will be working through the doctrines of theological anthropology, sin, Christology, and the atonement.

First, we will pursue the questions of theological anthropology. What does it mean to be human? What is humanity’s relation to God, at creation, after the fall, and after redemption? How is humanity different from other creatures? What does it mean for humans to be made in God’s image? How does my personal identity relate to humanity’s identity as the creature made in God’s image? What is humanity meant to become?

Second, we will investigate questions related to the doctrine of sin. What is sin? How does sin affect human nature? How does sin affect human relationships? How does sin affect all of creation? What obstacles to humanity’s destiny does sin present?

Finally, we will consider the questions of Christology and the atonement. Who is Jesus Christ? What do we mean when we confess that Jesus Christ is both divine and human? What are some of the primary misunderstandings that people have had about the person of Jesus Christ? How does Jesus bring about humanity’s salvation? How does Jesus’s work foster humanity’s maturity and determine humanity’s destiny?

Answering these questions is vital to having a deep understanding of our Christian faith. I am excited to spend the semester with you as we seek to more deeply know and love God and his gospel.

— Dr. Ryan Peterson

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